A great leader suffers in a hundred different ways, and keeps his suffering to himself. A great leader survives both his suffering and the fact that nobody knows anything about it.  A great leader loves being alone with God.  A…

A great leader suffers in a hundred different ways, and keeps his suffering to himself.

A great leader survives both his suffering and the fact that nobody knows anything about it. 

A great leader loves being alone with God. 

A great leader communes with the deepest the ages have known. 

A great leader knows there is a higher and there is a lower, and he always seeks the higher, and indeed the highest. 

A great leader fights against the spiritual forces of darkness and disintegration, both in his own soul and in the world. 

A great leader overcomes himself, rises above himself, daily, minutely. 

A great leader is very polite, but he never tones down the truth just to please others. 

Source: Crisis Leadership 8

Crisis Leadership | Faith |

The golden rule is: Expand your circle of friends, but not at the expense of those who trusted you; welcome and win the new, but also preserve the old.

The golden rule is: Expand your circle of friends, but not at the expense of those who trusted you; welcome and win the new, but also preserve the old.

Source: Crisis Leadership 7

Crisis Leadership |

Therefore, let whoever is called to lead, lead. Now the leader is sure of his stand and can argue it in full. He can therefore listen to counterarguments with patience and without fear, and when the argument is compelling, he…

Therefore, let whoever is called to lead, lead. Now the leader is sure of his stand and can argue it in full. He can therefore listen to counterarguments with patience and without fear, and when the argument is compelling, he will change his stand. But when the change comes, it must not be because the first stand was taken lightly or without due consideration; for nothing shakes confidence in the leader more than the knowledge that in the first place he was not really sure of himself, that his initial position was a veritable shot in the dark. Firmly grounded positions are of the essence of leadership. 

Source: Crisis Leadership 6

Crisis Leadership |

It is not enough to realize good institutions and to leave it to others to copy them. For man isn’t only an ape: he does not only mimic the good example of others. Man thirsts after ideas. 

It is not enough to realize good institutions and to leave it to others to copy them. For man isn’t only an ape: he does not only mimic the good example of others. Man thirsts after ideas. 

Source: Crisis Leadership 5

Crisis Leadership |

We need endless rational debate and discussion; we need the bracing touch of moral leadership; but without the real political will to discover, promulgate and enforce these rights, debate and leadership will avail nothing. The will is the agency of…

We need endless rational debate and discussion; we need the bracing touch of moral leadership; but without the real political will to discover, promulgate and enforce these rights, debate and leadership will avail nothing. The will is the agency of realization, and you may know all the truth and you may know it even with passion, but unless you also will it, it is unlikely to pass into actuality.

Source: Crisis Leadership 4

Crisis Leadership |

The need in this field is above everything else for courageous and sustained moral leadership, for one nation to put its own house in order and so be fired by a genuine sense of mission as to have its words…

The need in this field is above everything else for courageous and sustained moral leadership, for one nation to put its own house in order and so be fired by a genuine sense of mission as to have its words on fundamental human rights ring with authority.

Source: Crisis Leadership 3

Crisis Leadership | Human Rights |

The supreme need is for vigorous moral leadership. Given such leadership, grounded not in interest but in principle and vision, there will emerge a real atmosphere of expectancy and positive cooperation that will carry along the hesitant, and shame the…

The supreme need is for vigorous moral leadership. Given such leadership, grounded not in interest but in principle and vision, there will emerge a real atmosphere of expectancy and positive cooperation that will carry along the hesitant, and shame the primitive and formless into action and commitment. Where the call is absolutely clear, nations will not dare stay behind.

Source: Crisis Leadership 2

Crisis Leadership |

We need engineers, we need doctors, we need economic experts, we need factories…But above everything else, we need men and women who are disciplined in thought and who know that in the end the spirit alone matters.

We need engineers, we need doctors, we need economic experts, we need factories…But above everything else, we need men and women who are disciplined in thought and who know that in the end the spirit alone matters.

Source: Crisis Leadership 1

Crisis Leadership | Western Thought |

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